Thursday, July 18, 2013

Choosing the right Lash Style for your Eye Shape

Everyone knows that having long, full lashes - whether natural, or false strips and extensions - can enhance your appearance and make you look gorgeous!  But just like make-up, it’s important to know which style suits you best. The wrong style of lash can have a negative effect causing you to appear tired, sad or just plain old silly!  Here are our tips on selecting the best type of lash design for you.

Round Eyes
Accentuate round eyes with a bold spiky style that graduates longer toward the outer ends. This elongating effect creates harmony and makes the eyes appear brighter.  Stay away from dense, bushy lashes and where the longest length is in the middle.  These can make the eyes appear smaller and more round.

Hooded Eyelids
Spiky, criss-crossed and bushy will all work well with hooded eyelids.  Length and bulk should be focused in the centre of the eye to make it appear rounder.  They key here is to match the length and fullness to the size of your eye.  Lashes too short won’t have much of an effect; too long and they will end up looking like spider legs.  For this eye shape, bottom lashes should be accentuated with mascara or bottom falsies to create balance.

Wispy lashes that graduate longer
towards the ends will enhance
this eye shape beautifully.

Almond Eyes
Almost any style will flatter this shape. Length in the middle for
alertness, and towards the ends for a demure look.  Bushy lashes
add the finishing touch to an evening look.

Deep set
Spiky variations where the length graduates longer toward the outer end of the eye work best to create a wide-eye effect.  Stay away from very dense and centre-focused styles as this will make the eye appear small and beady.

Small Eyes
Paying attention to proportion is the key to making small eyes
appear larger.  Determine the shape of the eye and then select a
style that compliments that shape.  Choose a shorter, lighter
version of the design in order to enhance rather than overpower
the eye.

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